Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Burn Baby Burn

Well, it seems the fine folks at the Westboro Baptist Church are at it again.  This time they have made plans to picket outside the funeral for the 9 year old victim in this weeks Tuscon shootings.  They claim that "God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America."   First you protest at the funerals of gay soldiers all over America....the same soldiers that gave their lives to protect your back wood asses.   And now, you are somehow finding vindication through the tragic death of a 9 year old child?  Are you people freaking serious?  Who can do something so horrible and then in good conscience turn around and say they are doing God's work?  Read the Bible people.  I think you have seriously misinterpreted it.  I don't claim to be a religious expert, but I was raised by a strict Catholic mother, so I have been through the Bible a time or two in my day.  I am pretty sure that spreading hatred and intolerance of others is not a message taught in the Bible.  And while I am not entirely convinced hell exists, I am pretty sure if it does, you are the ones that will be burning there. Do you really have nothing better to do with your lives then drive around the country causing further devastation to those mourning the loss of their loved ones?    I am not going to even attempt to understand your thought process.  I know what I need to know, that you are a group of hate filled, ignorant people who are an absolute thorn in the ass of society.  And kudos to Arizona for passing immediate legislation to prevent your picketing at this innocent child's memorial.  I try to take solace in the fact that the majority of your members come from the same bloodline so more than likely some really faulty genetics is the explanation for why you are such fanatical bigots.  Let the dead rest in peace.  Let their families mourn them.  Your protests aren't making any impression on America....we think you are idiots.  Think about it....if America really cared about your cause, don't you think your church would consist of more members than Uncle Ralph and Aunt Louise?  So take all your cousins back to Kansas and find a new hobby.  No one appreciates your current one.