Tuesday, December 28, 2010

As if I needed another reason to hate Rupert Murdoch

So today I hear a story about this couple who were royally screwed by Fox when they were contestants on their new show Million Dollar Drop.  The pair gave a correct answer to the question being asked, but due to faulty research by the whiz kids at Fox, they were told it was an incorrect answer, thus causing them to lose $800,000 in winnings. Fox has now decided they will not compensate the couple for this gigantic blunder, but instead allow the couple the grand opportunity to come back on the show to try their luck again.  Okay, get serious Fox.  First of all, I hope those people tell Fox to shove that offer up their pompous ass.  They could probably slap them with a big fat lawsuit.  People have certainly sued (and won) for much less.  Secondly, if the script was flipped and they had been awarded money for a wrong answer, do you think Fox would just let them keep that money??  If I were a betting gal, I'd bet no.  What a bunch of greedy jerks.  Hey Fox, here's an idea, if you are going to be giving away millions of dollars, try to hire people with the actual ability to check facts correctly.  In what world is this fair?  At the very least, this couple is owed a huge apology.  The statement  released by the shows creator barely even admitted wrong doing for not having accurate information.  It went further to say that "this question was not the deciding question in the game".  Well, I am not a mathematical genius, but if you get 1 million to play with and lose $800,000 because of a mistake that Fox made, it does kind of seem like they screwed you out of a lot of potential winnings.  And while that may not have been the deciding question of the game, it was definitely the question that changed the game, and was without a doubt a huge mistake on Fox's behalf.  I can only hope America will be as annoyed by this as I am and this debacle of show will end as quickly as it began.

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