Monday, December 27, 2010

"With all due respect Mr. President, please take off the pink tutu"

Okay, okay, so I didn't come up with it, but I must say that Michael Moore did say it perfectly on his late night guest spot.  President Obama, where did you go?  Keeping the Bush tax cuts in place?  Wasn't one of your core campaign promises to repeal them?  Taking nearly 2 years to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell?  A policy that blatantly discriminated against the gay and lesbian community.  A group of people mind you, that rallied together to help you secure your current job title.  I could go on, but do we really have the time?  Get Serious, Mr. Obama.  In my lifetime, I have never seen one person inspire such optimism in so many people .  Did we all get duped?  All of the "hope" and "change" we were banking on now seems to be overshadowed by your favorite past time-  holding hands and skipping down the middle of the isle with the Republicans.   So I too have to plead Michael Moore's case, and ask Mr. Obama to please remove the tutu.  It certainly doesn't flatter you and it isn't helping anyone, especially those of us that were depending on you to do what you promised.  Please take it off and grow a pair to replace it.  I do think a set of hefty balls will serve you, and the people of this country much better.  Just sayin.

1 comment:

  1. We have two more years to see if he takes off the tutu. It is a tough job and he is a young, inexperienced president. However, I still have faith in him.
