Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Dog Killer, Jesus and The Snowball Mob

Conservative pundit Tucker Carlson recently made a statement that he feels Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick should have been executed for his crimes against dogs, and that President Obama's support of Michael Vick was "kind of beyond the pale".  Tucker said he just finds it despicable that we have a President who supports a dog killer.  Gosh, were do I begin here?  There are so many directions I could go.  I guess I will start with the most aggravating point....that this is yet another attempt by a Republican to point the giant conservative finger of blame at the President for something completely irrelevant to his actual job performance.  This is getting ridiculous.  Saying the President endorses dog killing, simply because he showed support to a young man trying to get his life on the right path?  And to top it off, Tucker did what Republicans seem to do very best....he pulled the Jesus card, of course.  Because any good Republican knows that none of their judgemental, narrow minded statements would sound quite the same without being prefaced with the good ole "I am a Christian" line.  Why is it that most people who begin their sentences with "I am a Christian" are usually the ones who act the least like Christians?  Hey Tucker, saying your a Christian right before you act like a douche bag, doesn't make you any less of a douche bag.  And ironically, the person here who actually did behave in a Christian-like manner was President Obama.  Showing compassion and forgiveness to a person who is repenting for their mistakes?  I'd have to say Jesus would probably be pretty proud of the President.  Unfortunately, I can't say the same for you, Tucker.   Let's get serious, Tucker Carlson.  If PETA, the most obnoxiously hardcore of all animal lovers can forgive Michael Vick, why can't you?  PETA even released a statement that the President's phone call was "appropriate".  Your comments are looking more and more like a very weak attempt to recruit another rider on your bandwagon of hate.  But really, is anyone surprised?  After two years of this witch hunt the Republicans are on, I think we've all come to expect these things by now. 

The football fan in me just can't let this go without also making a quick comment here about the attack against Vick.  I think it's pretty safe to assume your not a huge sports guy, Tucker....judging by your geeky bow ties and the Donald Trump comb over.  So I'll clue you in on something you probably didn't consider when you so adamantly professed your desire to send Michael Vick to the gas chamber.  The Philadelphia Eagles fans are notably some of the meanest football fans in the NFL.  After all, we are talking about a group people who formed a snowball wielding mob and attacked Santa Claus during a half time show.  These people throw trash at their own players when they lose games-and I'm talking glass bottles, not paper cups.   I can only imagine what they may to do someone who publicly puts a death wish on their star quarterback.  Gosh Tucker, if I were you, I would probably steer clear of Philly.   I have a strong inclination  if those Eagles fans ever get a hold of you, the execution taking place would be yours.  I'll sum it up with some advice for you from the late great Abe Lincoln- Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak out and remove all doubt.   Good advice should consider using it in the future.

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